The configuration of ethnic and religious relations towards the 2024 general election: A case study in Medan, Indonesia


  • Fauzan, I., Arifin, A., Dalimunthe, M. A., & Rahmadani, S. Author


After the 2014 presidential election, which Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla won, sentiments based on religion and ethnicity towards Jokowi persisted.  The discourse regarding the strengthening of ethnicity and religious politics continues not only at the national level but also at the municipal level during the political transition period. Almost identical to the elections for the Governor held in 2008, 2013, and 2018, the issues that continue to develop in the election for the Governor of North Sumatra cover the same three aspects: religious issues, ethnic identity politics, and local son issues.  This study aims to discover ethnic and religious relations in Medan following the 2019 general elections and the configuration of ethnic and religious connections in Medan towards the 2024 general elections. The research method used was quantitative research. The sample of this study was 100 responders chosen randomly by using simple random sampling technique. The data were collected through a close-ended questionnaire distributed offline to responders.  It was found that the polarization of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in Medan following the 2019 elections and the 2020 Medan mayoral race altered the societal patterns of interaction.  Several factors contribute to this, including ending amicable contacts, viewing other races or religions as provocateurs, and establishing political preferences based on ethnic and religious concerns.


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How to Cite

The configuration of ethnic and religious relations towards the 2024 general election: A case study in Medan, Indonesia. (2023). Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6(2).