Patient perception of the application principle nursing ethics at nanga health centre


  • Kuwa, M. K. R., Mane, G., Reong, A. R., Sulastien, H., & Susanti, R. Author


The application of nursing code of ethics is a principle to provide quality nursing services for patients, this is necessary for nurses in various position to be commited to the nursing profession. In this study, the type of  research  used is quantitative research  using descriptive research methods. The samples used in this study were all  patients and families of  patients who were at Nanga Health Center in accordance with the research criteria with a total of 30 people, using total sampling techniques. The description of patient perception of the application of nursing ethics principles at Nanga Health Center is seen  in the dimensions A utonomy, N on maleficence, Beneficence, Justice, Veracity, Fidelity, Accountability, and Confidentiality are in the good category. Patient Perceptions of the Application of Nursing Ethics Principles at Nanga Health Center in June 2022, in general, can be concluded well because all Respondents received comprehensive nursing care in accordance with the principles of Nursing Ethics where all dimensions of Nursing Ethics have been applied well by nurses.


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How to Cite

Patient perception of the application principle nursing ethics at nanga health centre. (2023). Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6(2).

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