The modeling factors work shifts, fatigue and unsafe actions on work accidents at PT PLN Barru, Indonesia
The number of work accidents is still very high in several countries, especially in developing countries. The lack of research examining risk factor models for work accidents is still in the spotlight. So that it requires modeling Factors of Work Shifts, Fatigue and Unsafe Actions on Work Accidents at PT PLN Barru, Indonesia. This research is an analytic observational study using a cross-sectional research design. The samples taken were 65 technical workers who were determined using the total sampling method. The collected data were analyzed using the chi-square test for bivariate and path analysis for multivariate. The findings show that there is an effect of work shift, and work fatigue on Unsafe Action. It was also found that work accidents were strongly influenced by work fatigue and unsafe actions with each P value <0.05. Meanwhile, there was no effect of work shifts on work accidents with a p value> 0.05. The findings also show that together the work shift combined with unsafe action will affect work accidents and work fatigue combined with unsafe action will also affect work accidents with each p value < 0.05. The magnitude of the influence can be seen by the magnitude of the T value, the greater the T value, the greater the influence that occurs. From the model obtained, it is known that unsafe action is a supporting factor in the occurrence of work accidents. The main factor that causes work accidents is work fatigue.